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No-Cost LED Tubes, Outdoor & Gymnasium Lights

Serving Utility Rebate Programs Nationwide

4’ LED Tubes
To replace existing 4' T8 and T12 fluorescent tubes in offices, retail, warehouses, parking garages & more. Both Ballast Bypass & Plug and Play lights available.

Outdoor LED Fixtures
To replace existing 400-1000W parking lot/outdoor fixtures.

Warehouse/Gymnasium LED Fixtures
To replace 400W/1000W metal halide and high pressure sodium fixtures for high bay applications in warehouses, factories, industrial, garages, retail, gymnasiums, and auditoriums.

Fill out the form to receive your no-cost LED Lights. Program details below.

Program Details

· Quantity eligible for upgrade is equal to the number of lights currently in use. 

· Lights must be installed within 90 days.

· Upgrades must be from fluorescent lights to LEDs (LED-to-LED replacements do not qualify for rebate)

· Availability: Limited quantities. First come, first served, while inventory lasts. 

· Recipients must have an eligible business electric account

· OEO is a registered program ally with electric utility energy efficiency programs nationally. 

Our team will follow up to confirm you get exactly what you need!