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NO-COST LED Tubes, Warehouse and Outdoor Lights

Serving Utility Rebate Programs Nationwide

4’ LED Tubes
To replace existing 4' T8 and T12  fluorescent tubes used in offices, warehouses, retail and more. If using T5 fluorescents, please call for details.

Total: $12  $0

Outdoor LED Fixtures
To replace existing 400-1000W parking lot/outdoor fixtures.

Total: $250  $0

LED Warehouse Fixtures
To replace 250W/400W/1000W metal halide and high pressure sodium fixtures for high bay applications in warehouses, factories, industrial, garages, retail, gymnasiums, and auditoriums.

Total: $250  $0

Fill out the form to receive your no-cost LED Lights. Program details below.

Program Details

· Quantity eligible for upgrade is equal to the number of lights currently in use. 

· Lights must be installed within 90 days.

· Availability: Limited quantities. First come, first served, while inventory lasts. 

· Participants must have a participating non-residential electric account.

· OEO is a registered program ally with electric utility energy efficiency programs nationally.